What are the Secrets to Consistency (running even when you do not feel like it)?
Has it ever happened, after a long run you thought, "I just killed that run. I deserve a reward!" And before you know it, you've decimated french fries, pastries, a few beers, ice cream, or perhaps all the above.
You know that this is going to hinder the recuperation process and make you feel sluggish throughout the day, but so what? It's not like you can't afford the additional calories. Or maybe you planned on running before work and got up to a freezing morning without any clean running clothes left. And you really didn't get a great night's sleep and your bed feels oh-so-warm!
So you hit snooze on your alarm. "I'll just run tomorrow," you tell yourself, even though this was the third time you skipped your morning run in the past two weeks.
Naturally you've been here, we all have! Even the most regimented of us falters at some point. And do not get me wrong: I believe periodically permitting ourselves to indulge our impulses is a great thing. The problem arises when we feel we have lost control of those impulses.
How can we stay more consistent and keep those urges in check? How can we regularly train without skipping sessions or eat well without wanting to cheat at every damn meal? This is among the biggest struggles runners deal with.
Sure, we can make it out for a grueling interval exercise when we had a fantastic night of sleep and ate well the day before. That's not the problem. The battle is staying with our plans on the bad days, when motivation is non-existent and tension levels are high.
The problem is that when we set ambitious goals, like setting a PR, consistency ends up being vital. Each time we falter, we seem to dig ourselves a larger hole, causing feelings of doubt. And as a number of us are well aware, doubt is a HUGE energy and motivation drain.
One great way, I've found to give me that little boost when I need it, is to treat myself with a new running technology I hear about. Like recently, I purchased these calf sleeves from Elevated Sports and feel I really started my journey into proper recovery.
In fact, I recommend you click the link listed below and try too. They've been perfect for me – and I 'd love to know what your thoughts on them are!
Manchons de Compression Elevated Sports pour Mollets
Vous travaillez dur et vous entraînez dur. Vous exigez le meilleur de vous-même. Et vous vous attendez à la même excellence des produits que vous utilisez. Chez Elevated Sport, nous partageons le même point de vue.
Nos manchons de mollet sont faits de la meilleure qualité de tissus de compression qui sont durables et confortables. Ils ont de larges sangles anti-dérapantes et offrent une véritable compression graduée. Pourquoi est-ce important? La compression graduée a la plus forte compression se produisant près des chevilles, avec une compression progressivement plus faible vers le haut du manchon. Cette pression graduelle assure que le sang désoxygéné remonte des jambes vers le cœur plus facilement, en stimulant la circulation, réduisant la fatigue et aidant au rétablissement. Chacun de nos manchons de compression pour mollets sont testés sur des machines sophistiquées pour s'assurer qu'ils répondent à nos normes rigoureuses.
Des manchons de compression appropriés pour mollet offrent les avantages suivants:
– Echauffement sûr et rapide
– Grand support des muscles
– Protège des éraflures mineures, des marques et des chocs
– Améliore la circulation et aide à recovery rapidement
Pas seulement réservé aux athlètes – les manchons pour mollets sont parfaits pour tous ceux qui travaillent dans le commerce, dans la restauration, dans les soins à la personne, qui voyagent ou dans tout emploi qui obligent à être constamment debout pendant de longues heures.
Nous offrons actuellement nos manchons pour mollets à un prix spécial. Ce peut également être un parfait cadeau à offrir.
Achetez maintenant et bénéficier d'un avantage concurrentiel aujourd'hui.
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